Health and Wellbeing Board

22 November 2023


Report of the York Health and Care Partnership



This report provides an update to the Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) regarding the work of the York Health and Care Partnership (YHCP), progress to date and next steps.

1.   Background

Partners across York Place continue to work closely together to commission and deliver integrated services for our population. The YHCP shares the vision of the York Health and Wellbeing Strategy that in 2032, York will be healthier, and that health will be fairer.

The YHCP has an Executive Committee (shadow) which is the forum through which senior Partnership leaders collaborate to oversee the delivery of the Partnership priorities. The Executive Committee meets monthly, and minutes from meetings held in 2023 are available in Annex A.

This report provides an update to the York Health and Wellbeing Board on the YHCP's progress since the last report provided in September 2023.

2.   Update on the work of the YHCP

September and October Executive Committee Meetings

In the September YHCP Executive Committee meeting the focus was on the YHCP's winter resilience plan (as discussed at the HWB Board in September 2023). In May 2023 the YHCP agreed to produce a whole system winter resilience plan summarising the work underway across the partnership to keep people well and supported throughout the year and our winter preparedness plans. Each organisation contributed to the plan, and the plan is the first time York has a system wide view of winter preparedness plans across the whole pathway. The plan aligns with the YHCP's priorities to deliver integrated community, urgent and emergency care, and prevention services. The purpose of developing the plan was to:

           Ensure the partnership is sighted on each organisation’s plans from prevention services to hospital admission and discharge, to ensure that opportunities for integration are utilised;

           Understand if there are gaps in service provision;

           Learn from what worked last year, and build on system resilience as we move through winter and beyond;

           Ensure our plans are in line with our values ‘We are in it together’ and ‘We will connect clinicians and professionals’.


The plan is being finalised and will be shared across partners when complete.

In the October YHCP Executive Committee meeting the Executive Committee discussed Estates, the ICB Place Responsibility Agreement, a proposal to undertake a prevention scoping exercise and heard from the York Carers Centre (please see Annex A for the full meeting minutes).

It is encouraging to see that York’s health and care partners are coming together to discuss and plan for the City’s future health and care estate requirements, particularly in the context of the expected changes to the population and communities over the next 10 years. Partners discussed the importance of a joined-up approach with the Council’s Local Development Plan to achieve success.

At the October meeting a proposal around scoping York's prevention offer was agreed by the partnership. The proposal outlines how prevention services are a vital part of the health and care system and how they are essential components of public health efforts to improve overall health, reduce healthcare costs, and enhance the quality of life for individuals and communities. The YHCP Executive Committee's workplan committed the Partnership to completing a scoping exercise to understand our prevention offer across the partnership and identify opportunities for integration, strengthening the links between health, public health and the VCSE. This exercise will be jointly led by the Public Health team at CYC and the York Place team in the Humber and North Yorkshire ICB and will be delivered through a series of coproduction workshops. An update will be brought back to the HWB Board in 2024.

At the October meeting the Executive Committee also discussed the developing relationship between place-based partnerships, ICB central functions, and provider collaboratives (provider collaboratives bring providers together at scale across Humber and North Yorkshire to do things once where it makes sense). The discussion included how York will develop and deliver integration and local priorities, as well as efficient, quality, and equitable health and care services, building on our ongoing relationships and collaboration. The discussion illustrated how place-based leadership creates the right conditions for change, ensuring local system conversations can develop plans to address local priorities and health inequalities within the overall Humber and North Yorkshire strategy.

York's first Health Mela

York's first Health Mela was held in September 2023. A Mela means ‘meeting’ or ‘gathering’ in Hindi and is a multicultural festival/celebration. The YHCP was the main sponsor for the event, which brought together our diverse communities from across the city to focus on health and wellbeing, with over 3,000 people in attendance. The Health Mela also showcased local talent, where groups from our communities shared music and dancing from their cultures. This gave communities the chance to be involved and feel empowered to take care of their health and wellbeing, building confidence, integration and creating a sense of community.


This was a unique opportunity for York Place to address health inequalities in the City, by creating trust and empowering individuals to focus on their health and wellbeing through a range of supported activities and health and wellbeing stands. The presence of many of our health, care and VCSE organisations meant that attendees had the opportunity to identify undiagnosed conditions and risk factors and receive encouragement to make lifestyle changes. 


This event was in line with the Core20PLUS5 work for children and adults that is a key priority of the Population Health and Prevention Executive Committee and aligned well with the ambitions outlined in the York Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2022-2032. It also supported the delivery of the York Health and Care Partnership's priority to 'Embed an integrated early intervention and prevention model' by providing free health checks and encouraging early help and health education for individuals.


Joint Workforce Recruitment Event

As part of the YHCP's 'Drive Social and Economic Development' priority a joint workforce event was held between Health and Social Care services in York, jointly led by CYC and Humber and North Yorkshire ICB. The event was held on 4th November at West Offices, bringing together partners across York Health and Care Partnership to seek to recruit to existing job opportunities, engage with people who are interested in careers in health and care whether that is through college or university programmes and apprenticeships. The event was the first all-partner contribution sponsored by the York Place Executive Committee to deliver the workforce priorities of the HNY annual Operational Plan demonstrating the commitment to providing joint workforce actions that strike at the heart of local priorities, align with HNY and national priorities, and do them well.


3.           Work of the York Population Health Hub

As a key enabler of the YHCP, the York Population Health Hub continues to bring together partners to enable, analyse and undertake population health management approaches to provide a clearer picture of the health of the population and the inequalities people face across York place.

Cost of Living data pack

As part of work to understand our population and inform service delivery the Hub has updated the Cost of Living data pack produced in 2022 (Cost-of-Living Crisis in York: Understanding and Reducing the Health Impacts data pack). This update aims to demonstrate the health impact of the Cost-of-Living crisis on York's communities during 2023.

Representatives of the PHH will attend the November HWB Board to provide an overview of the pack (this is covered as a separate agenda item at the November meeting).


Contact Details

Author: Anna Basilico, Head of Population Health and Partnerships, Humber, and North Yorkshire ICB (York Place)

Chief Officer Responsible for the report:

Sarah Coltman-Lovell, NHS Place Director


Ian Floyd, Chief Operating Officer CYC and York Place Lead

Author’s name

Anna Basilico


Head of Population Health and Partnerships

Dept Name

York Place

Organisation name

Humber and North Yorkshire ICB



Chief Officer’s name

Sarah Coltman-Lovell

Job Title

NHS Place Director (York)

Organisation name

Humber and North Yorkshire ICB


Report Approved



6 November 2023


Report Approved



6 November 2023




Wards Affected: 





For further information please contact the author of the report




All annexes to the report must be listed here


Annex A: YHCP minutes

-      YHCP minutes September 2023;

-      YHCP minutes October 2023.